Friday, May 22, 2009


Infomercials. Commercials + Information meant to take us down a path starting with an item with a funny name, which the only second glance it'd get from us in a standard store would be to mock the stupidity of it's name, to the end of the infomercial feeling like we can't live without it, but wait! There's more! Order in the next twenty seconds and we will DOUBLE the offer! Just pay twice as much! That's right! Only 2x the price for twice as much garbage that will never work!!! Comparable products go for $1000!!! But order now, and you get this for ONLY 12 EASY payments of $99!!! that's right 12 EASY payments of $99.95! (serious voice speaking fast:) order now, operators are standing by, only 12 easy payments of 99.959595 plus shipping and handling order our overpriced useless item today!
pllllllttthpt :P
Thank You, Come Again!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Heil America?

So, I'm not trying to be an alarmist (ok, maybe I am) but I am hearing about some taxes, and some government programs that are leaving me saying: "Dude? Where's my freedom?"
I know, I know, people are probably going to call me a crazy right wing conservative fascist... but wait a minute, doesn't it sound fairly fascist/nazist to have the government basically require you to eat certain foods? Tax hikes are being considered on such things as sugary drinks, fast food, and generally, junk food. Now, who defines what as junk food first of all, and why the hell should the government care what I eat? Well, with the huge push right now by both the legislative and executive branches of our government towards socialized healthcare (being called "healthcare for all" or "affordable healthcare" or "fix our broken system!") there is now also a push for making us be more "responsible" by policing what we eat by increasing taxes on certain foods in order to make a more fit America. If that doesn't sound like Naziism, you're not paying attention to history or whats going on right now.

So yea, I'm fat. According to the government charts, I'm morbidly obese.... but also according to their charts, my lean body mass of 190 at 6' is overweight... So... even if I had absolutely NO fat on my body, I would still be considered overweight. To me, it would not be a huge jump to have a "fat tax" (I've even heard rumblings of one) that would tax people extra according to how much over the "average" Body Mass Index. The problem with this to me is... I'm "supposed" to be 150-170 at 6'0"... The thinnest I can ever hope to be (with my huge viking build, being of norse/german descent) is 210-220. So... would that make me get taxed for my genetics? I know the immediate answer will be "oh, you'll get a specific exemption because of your muscle mass" Two problems with that theory:
1) If/When our medicine becomes socialized, do you think they're actually going to give specific physicals for the 150,000,000+ people who are overweight, most of which will try to claim they have the body type I have in order to not have to work as hard to lose the weight?
2) Even if I were to get an exemption, has anyone else had an experience with our government, how they'll have you pay now, then put it to comittee, then maybe eventually (like 6 or so months later) they'll get back to you with a decision, then in 6-10 weeks, you'll actually receive your money back. So that being the case, I would theoretically in perfect condition with 10-20lbs of body fat be taxed as someone who has 70-80lbs of body fat for almost an entire year before I receive the refund, If I were to receive it.
I'm all for people being fit. I'm all for people being able to afford health care, but what the hell are we doing trying to put the GOVERNMENT in charge of it?! Since when is the government actually good at anything, other than taking our money away and squandering it?
Thank you, Come Again!

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Car Company

So... I've been having this itch for the last couple of years. Not the kind of itch you can scratch mind you, but the kind of internal itch, the desire to do something great, to do something amazing, something unique that everyone thinks will fail: I want to start the next American car company. I know it sounds crazy, and I know that it's going to be hard, nearly impossible most likely, but I have this love for and understanding of cars that surpasses most people I've met. I have designed mentally, and partially on paper a sports car (and I'm not talking just a picture of a car, I'm talking engine, suspension, transmission, exhaust, steering, electrical, intake, etc..) that would far surpass the power and performance of any out there, a commuter car that would be nothing special, but cheap, a off-road performance vehicle with a unique suspension system allowing it to be truly all-terrain... and my brain is feeling ready to explode, my heart aches to drive my designs in reality, my hands quiver with the thought of potentially making these. I want to make cars that anyone can work on and understand, affordable to anyone, yet durable and lasting long enough to be on the road for 10,20, 30 years with very little maintenance. I want to make cars with such simplicity that there is simply very little room for anything to break. The money? I honestly don't care. I want my company to make enough profit to keep itself afloat, and that's it. I don't want to become one of these multi-billion dollar companies which are sinking right now, I want to take their place in this country and show America that we STILL ARE THE KINGS OF THE AUTOMOTIVE BUSINESS.
thank you, Come again!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009


I thought it may be kinda fun to do an entire post devoted to my wife. I love her so much, and am so lucky to have her. As was mentioned earlier, she is the most beautiful girl in the world, and I honestly have no idea how I got her. Not only is she pretty, she's beautiful deep inside too. I know that she loves me for me, and nothing will ever change that. She is an amazingly hard worker too, last night she pulled an all-nighter just to make sure she got her homework done, after she went on a walk with me that took 45minutes of her evening, without even telling me that there was a possibility of an all-nighter. She rubbed my back after we got home because I was sore from the exercise and the day for almost thirty minutes. Since we've gotten married, she's redoubled her efforts in her second senior year (she's double minoring and going for graduating with honors from BYU), and last semester, she got a 3.89 taking 15 credits plus working part time plus spending lots of time with me and with friends. She is absolutely incredible. I am the luckiest guy in the world, and anyone who'd like to challenge that, feel free.
Thank You, Come Again!

Day 2

So this morning, I took a little hike for my exercise. it was nice, nothing special... just for some reason when i'm out exercising, I get this look from people. Kinda a mix between amused, helpful, worried I'm going to die, surprised, and shoot-me-if-I-ever-look-like-that. I honestly don't know how to react to those looks, whether to feel encouraged, insulted, or saved... I really don't know. I definetly feel a mix of emotions, ranging from "shut up, you'll look like me someday, and I'll look like you, then we'll see whose smiling" to "oh that's nice, I really appreciate the support of other people who are actually good at exercising and in good shape."
Why do I have to live in Provo, one of the fittest cities in the US? I mean, before I started working out again, it was killing me every morning driving to work since all I ever saw was hundreds of in shape people running outside, now it's killing me to be the only fat guy outside running... oh well, I'm sure it'll all get easier.
On a lighter note, major props to my beautiful wife, she went walking with me last night to assist in my weight loss goals even though she doesn't have an ounce of fat on her body, then she even listened for me going for the banana bread late at night and asked "Are you eating?" then told me "You're welcome" when I put it back. It seems to me the most important part of weight loss and accomplishing anything major that takes a lot of effort is a good support group, and she is the best.
Thank You, Come Again!

Monday, May 4, 2009


So, today is the first day of weight loss. I'll tell ya, it's only 10:39am, and it sucks. I got up at 8am (not early, but I could have slept in till 9:30) and finally got up the gusto to go running at 9am. Well, running isn't the right word for it. I intended to run, but two things prevented it: I live in an extremely hilly/mountain region, which caused this fat man to have to walk as fast as possible, and I am 300lbs. The pace I took would have been scoffed by a younger, faster, thinner Brian, but as I am now, it was about a 8 on the effort scale (1-10).
A few years ago, I had great success with the Body For Life program by Bill Phillips, and that is exactly what I am doing now. When I was running, I had one thing coming to mind over and over again: "5 years of chips, cheese, pizza, ice cream, tacos, greasy burgers and any other terrible food I've eaten is so NOT worth this..."
I guess one thing I can take comfort from is that since I have been fairly active over the last five years, I am not as out of shape as I thought I was. I've even had some fairly valiant attempts at weight loss, probably the best of which was last year, when I dropped 30lbs before plateauing for a freaking month last March. I gave up, and gained it all back plus a little. Has anyone else noticed that? If you lose weight, but then don't do all you need to in order to keep it off, it comes back with friends. It's almost like it has an attitude problem or something, and all you manage to do by losing it is to piss it off enough to really come back at you and smack you down. Examples of this:
Me, 15 years old, 235lbs. Through a lot of effort and time and running and biking and lifting and eating very healthily, I got myself to 173 at 17. 173 for me was perfect. I had less than 12% body fat, was able to run a couple 6'35" miles, and lift a decent amount for my weight. Pull ups, push ups, sit ups, and any other ups you can think of were quite simple for me. Now, because I was for the first time in my life a fit individual, I stayed within 10lbs of this for the next two years, enjoying the new fun activities which were once impossible for me, but were now easy and amazingly entertaining. Then I graduated from high school, took a trip to France, sat on my butt for two weeks eating the best Paris had to offer as far as cheeses and sweet treats, and gained 20lbs. Now just over 200lbs, I wasn't too horribly concerned, I stayed fairly active, but didn't go on an intensive diet/workout program. Later that year, I had some quite traumatic emotional events happen, and the next year is very hard for me to remember because I've honestly shut most of it out, but over that year, gained 30lbs. Now I was right about where I was when I started at 15, but I was 19. This is when fat's friends came... I got a new job on a drilling crew in the dead of winter, so of course, to "keep warm" we'd eat the highest fat foods available to man, and bravado was proved by eating more than the next guy. Add to all of that I had $75 a day given to me for living expenses alone, which of course translated into delicious, fatty food and lots of it. What made matters even worse was the horrible loneliness I was feeling from the prior year added to the fact that we were living in hotels for 28 of the 30 days of each month, so as soon as we were done for the day (at 6pm) I was truly alone until 7am the next morning. Loneliness has always been my weak point and point of fear, so to cope, I ate. After two months, I now weighed an additional 30lbs, 260. Now, barely three years after losing it all initially, I was almost 100lbs more than my healthy low point, and 30lbs above my initial starting point. Over the next year, I got my first girlfriend, got dumped by my first girlfriend (10lbs) started a new job as a CNA, decided it was unhealthy for me because of the emotional strain (up 10, down 10) decided to work my butt off for weight loss (down 15) met my next girlfriend, starting dating her (goodbye fitness program, plus 15) got engaged to her, broke it off (up 10!) started a workout program in january '08 (-30) got sick of fighting with no success in march, stopped program, started dating same girl, got engaged, stressful engagement (her family hates me) (+30) got married, had holiday season (+10) lost my job, found a new one, got a pay cut (-10lbs) got more hours, learned to shop smart (+10) and now... I'm here. 300lbs.

I guess this is a ridiculously long post, and that'll probably make people less interested, but hey, the future ones'll be shorter. I'll continue to update daily my weight as well as my efforts in weight loss, so if anyone's interested, I'd love a support group, and if you need to lose weight, I'd love to be part of your support group.
Thank you, Come again!