Sunday, October 24, 2010

Working on Sundays: Part II

Alright... So, here's the update to my blog post earlier about working on Sundays.
I felt so strongly about quitting, and I prayed very hard about it. I decided that I would go ahead and quit. I worked one more week there (to finish the hours I was scheduled) and left McDonald's for good. I was nervous. Yea, we didn't need the job, but as was pointed out, it would help a TON with our finances.
I applied at Wells Fargo, as I saw there was a 22 hour a week position avaiable. I just googled "jobs in Roosevelt, UT" and it was one of the ones that came up. In fact, it had come up on another search. I didn't think I was qualified for that job, but I went ahead and looked, decided I was qualified, and applied. I was sent the follow-up survey within an hour or two... I was like "great... I hate these things" I have taken several of such, and that was as far as I got with all of those jobs. I brushed it off as not going to happen. The next day, Wells Fargo Corporate called me to do a screening interview. A few days later, Wells Fargo Utah called me for a telephone interview. Five minutes after that, I got a call from Wells Fargo Roosevelt asking me to come in for an interview on Tuesday (it was Friday). I went to the interview Tuesday, and it just seemed to fall together. I had good, quality answers (that even I felt good about...) for all of their answers. I got along GREAT with both of my potential bosses. At the end of the interview (which took just over an hour) I was told to expect a call either way in the next week or so, and that they had several more applicants that needed to get through the screening process before they made a decision. The next morning I got a call offering me the job at the highest starting rate they offer for that position.
Now, I know not everyone who reads this will necessarily understand or believe this next part:
I felt very strongly then, as I do now that this was God taking care of me for following His guidance. I gave up what was a good thing, a helpful thing, something that while I didn't love, I definetly liked and enjoyed for God. I felt so strongly that I needed to quit so I wouldn't work Sundays, and I followed God's guidance, even though it was a major struggle inside. I now have a job where I have better hours, MUCH better pay, better benifits in every way and a job that will work better with my school schedule, in fact, my immediate boss got the same degree that I am going to go to USU for while working for Wells Fargo. They are not open Sundays, I only will have to work every third Saturday, and this job could potentially turn into a full-time position if I am interested.
Not only that, but after I accepted that job, I got a call from somewhere I'd applied two months ago asking me for an interview. I am not so well qualified that I should be getting this many job opportunities this quickly in this job market. I know several people who are searching harder than I did for work right now in the same city I live in and not finding anything.

Let us not forget who is in charge, and that no matter how difficult the sacrifice we are making seems to be, He is in charge and will give you something better.
I love my God, and I am so thankful for being a member of His church. I know that the Gospel is the word of God, and I know that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is the true church. I know that following His word is the only way to get through this life, and that He will bless us when we follow His commandments. I am not saying it is not hard to do so sometimes, and that sometimes doing what is right doesn't even make sense to our mortal minds, but I know that God will bless us bounteously if we do as He commands.


(ps. I guess I should make one caviat for this post... I don't officially have the job all the way yet, I need to finish a FBI background check, but I'm really not worried about that at all....)